Showing 51 to 60 of 70

The BUZZ on Saving Honey Bees

Honey bees pollinate hundreds of crops but the honey bee population has been declining at a disturbing rate. With the advancement of agriculture, honey bees have suffered through pesticide use and large acreages of monocultures such as corn, soybeans and wheat, all of which bees do not forage.
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Results of farmer cover crop survey conducted by SARE and CTIC

If you want to see how cover crops provide a very good ROI across a wide geographic region then this report is for you!
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Investment in certified seed is an investment in your future.

Investment in certified seed is an investment in your future. It starts with the seed. Every bag of certified seed you plant is an investment in you, the Canadian farmer. That’s because when you choose certified seed, you’re not just getting a proven, quality product – you’re putting money back into research and development of new and advanced seed varieties. This brings value to your farm, gives you more choices, generates jobs in agriculture and stimulates the Canadian economy.
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Here's the Science behind your Success

Every Terra-Mulch product is created with expertise in what makes plants grow and unequaled experience in what makes you successful. Our Thermally Refined® wood fiber is a prime example..
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The Erosion Control Innovator Continues to Lead

Terra-Mulch® is widely recognized as the leading developer of innovative hydraulic mulches that more effectively stabilize soil, promote more complete seed germination, encourage more rapid plant establishment and help ensure you’re not called back to a site for reapplication.
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Information on Grasses

Find detailed information on Orchardgrass, Meadow Fescue, Timothy, Bromegrass, Tall Fescue, and more.
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Forage Establishment

Forage Establishment

Successful establishment of forage and pastures is determined by many factors, some can be controlled, others such as climatic conditions cannot.
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Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Information on Agriculture, Environment, Land Use Planning and much more.
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Ontario Hay Marketing Forum

A non-profit organization devoted specifically to forages, providing technical and research information resources for Forage Producers and the Industry.
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Guelph Turfgrass Institute

The Guelph Turfgrass Institute was established in 1987 to conduct research and extension and provide information on turfgrass production and management to members of the Canadian turfgrass industry. Part of the University of Guelph, the institute is supported by the university, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the turfgrass industry.
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