Forage Focus Friday - SS Garden Cover

by Speare Seeds
Forage Focus Friday - SS Garden Cover

SS Garden Cover

Put your garden to bed with SS Garden Cover

Cover crops are for all gardens – big and small!

Fall will be upon us soon so it’s time to start thinking about putting your garden to bed for the winter.  Introduce our SS Supreme Garden cover into your home garden rotation.

Give a little extra love to your garden with our new Garden Cover mix – a winter cover working to protect and improve your garden’s soil health.

  • Control erosion and suppress weeds
  • Add essential organic matter
  • Improve yield potential
  • Reduce soil compaction & aerate soil
  • Increase moisture & nutrient content of soil
  • Attract pollinators

Throughout the winter, the crops in Garden Cover work hard to build your soil health.  This mixture adds essential organic matter to the soil and in turn, enhances the structure and fertility of your soil.

The cover crops in our Garden Cover mix offer a myriad of benefits for your home garden:

Oats are a wonderful annual cover crop which prevents erosion and loosens tight soil.

Forage Peas possess good nitrogen fixing abilities for soil conditioning.

Barley is quick to establish and outcompetes weeds by absorbing soil moisture during its early growing stages.

Crimson Clover will fix nitrogen in the soil and if it goes to flower, will attract late season pollinators.

Sorghum Sudangrass provides good weed suppression and soil structure improvements that can be expected from grasses.

Radish is a rapid growing annual with large roots that alleviates deep soil compaction.

Mustard prevents soil erosion, recycles soil nutrients, improves soil structure and maintains organic matter in your soil.

Planting & Management 

Plant in late summer or early fall, following harvest.  Sow ½ to ¾ inch deep by evenly broadcasting.  Lightly incorporate the seed, tamp down the soil and water.   This mixture will not overwinter.

Before the plants go to seed in early spring, cut the growth close to the soil surface.  You can add the cut foliage to your compost and turn the roots only into the soil.  Or you can work the entire crop into the soil, making sure the leaves are fully covered.  Do not leave it exposed to the sun.  Breaking up the cover crop into smaller pieces will help it to break down faster.  The plant will now break down resulting in a nutrient rich soil. 

Allow the soil to rest for a few weeks after working the cover crop in before you plant.  The rest period gives the nitrogen and organic matter time to start working their magic.

Available in a 500 g. bag.

For more information on these and other mixtures, please contact your sales rep.

Click here to view the tech sheet.

