Turf-Tech Tuesday - Titan Ultra Tall Fescue

by Speare Seeds

Titan Ultra Tall Fescue

For Ultra Performance – Plant Titan Ultra!

4th generation Titan variety specifically focused on improved performance in colder climates.

Whether planting straight or using in a mix, Titan Ultra is a great choice for homeowners, landscapers, sod producers and sports field managers.   

  • Cold weather performance
  • Self-repairing rhizomes / Aggressive Tillers
  • Natural defenses
  • Great curb appeal

Cold Hardy

Trial data shows that with Titan Ultra, cold climate lawns are significantly less susceptible to both winter kill and pink snow mold damage.

Disease and Weed Resistant

Titan Ultra was bred with improved disease resistance against many diseases including red thread, brown patch (both cool and warm temperature type), and pink snow mold. It has also shown good resistance to weed and poa annua invasion.

Pest Resistant

Titan Ultra has a natural built-in, safe pesticide called endophyte which repels damaging insects.

Rhizomes and Recovery

Titan Ultra, selected from the original Titan Ltd., produces even more self-repairing rhizomes and aggressive tillers, enabling it better recovery, density and the ability to fill in bare spots.


Titan Ultra Tall Fescue stands up to high traffic from children's play and wear and tear

Great Curb Appeal  

With all Titan Ultra's extra features, it is easy to overlook the basic fact that Titan Ultra is also able to produce a very attractive turfgrass surface suitable for home lawns, athletic fields, parks, schools, airports, sod fields, and other areas where a turf-type tall fescue is desired.

